Eire Constructions are on the move. We’re delighted to announce our new office location Suite 4, 109 William Street, Port Macquarie.
Operations Manager Tadhg Kelliher said the new Port Macquarie CBD location signifies an exciting new chapter for Eire Constructions, following a period of strong growth over recent years.
“We have a number of new projects in the pipeline for 2018 and our new premises positions the company for future growth on the Mid North Coast and nationally,” said Tadhg.
“We’ve outgrown our premises at Birralee Drive, Wauchope and will now operate from a central office in Port Macquarie, a satellite office in Newcastle and an equipment depot in Wauchope.”
The new location is situated in the heart of the CBD and local business community, close to the offices of many of Eire’s regular clients.
“It will be great to be part of the vibrant business centre. And I must admit I’m looking forward to sampling some of the tasty lunch options and supporting new businesses like Agostina Fine Fast Foods and Urban Grain Bakery,” said Tadhg.
Eire Constructions have delivered instrumental upgrade projects for the Pacific Highway in recent years contributing to the Mid North Coast’s $12 billion regional economy. Heavy and Civil Engineering makes up 32% of the Mid North Coast’s regional construction revenue.
The Pacific Highway upgrades place Port Macquarie in closer proximity to some of Australia’s largest industrial centres.
“We’re a central point for businesses trading between Sydney and Brisbane, as such we look forward to continued growth Australia-wide. Eire Constructions is proud to be one of the contractors of choice in New South Wales and will be expanding our operations to meet the needs of a growing region,” added Tadhg.
Eire Constructions specialise in road and utility construction, subdivisions and land development. As recognised experts in the construction of water, sewer and drainage infrastructure, the business has grown significantly offering a diverse range of high quality and cost effective civil construction services.